Jakub notes


Areas of activities

Four areas: energy, self-fulfillment, needs, and disruptions.

Cash in a pocket

I always put the cash into my pocket. It's usually as much as I will need during a day. It is so great I keep doing that even when I'm not traveling.

Dedicated time for myself

I need to work at least 1-2 hours on my projects every day; otherwise, I feel like I wasted a day.

I prefer monthly subscription

I don't subscribe to all the services like Netflix, HBO, or Audible for the whole year.

I quit breakfast, lunch, and dinner

I don't eat all the meals as we were taught to do, but I eat when I'm hungry and discovered it solves many issues I had.

Read articles on Kindle

I have a Kindle, but I don't read any books from Amazon. I use it to read articles from the Internet.