Technology Radar Volume 23
Reliability, testing
jest-when - mock return values for specific argument. jest.spyOn().mockImplemention()
returns the same value no matter what arguments were used.
Dependency drift fitness function - automate upgrades of dependencies, with Dependabot.
Dependabot - automatically creates pull-requests to upgrade dependencies. Renovate as alternative for GitLab.
Stryker - evaluates the quality of your tests by mutation testing. It changes the code and check if tests fails. Stryker for JS. Pitest for Java.
Chaos Monkey - is a resiliency tool by Netflix that helps applications tolerate random instance failures.
Sentry - tracking errors, finding out if a commit actually fixed an issue and alert if an issue regresses.
ShellCheck - a linter for shell scripts.
jscodeshift - a toolkit for codemods that helps to transform the codebases dependent on your library to overcome breaking changes. Developed by FB.
Event interception - fork events on old system and build new one incrementally. Copy events, messages or fork HTTP requests e.g. in Ingress.
Parallel run with reconciliation - use tool like Github's Scientist to compare and log results of old and new code, including response time.