Jakub notes • work

Knowledge sharing

It's boring without learning

I love to learn new things. I bet everybody does. When I don't have enough opportunity to try a new approach, my daily work becomes a boring routine.

When I join a new company, there is a nice learning curve just because of all the new technologies and challenges, but after a year or two, I know how to solve most things, and the learning decreases a lot.

My work is as good as my knowledge

There is always a better solution for the problem I'm solving. It is limited just by my capability to apply the knowledge. Either I must be great at finding the proper solution or I have to gain the knowledge in the long-term.

In that situation, it's up to me to find a time to gain new knowledge, do better work and move to something more engaging.

Two heads are better than one

I can learn on my own, but my time for this is limited. If everybody would learn something new and share it with others we can learn a lot more.

Friday Knowledge session

I raised a regular Friday Knowledge session for the team. It takes 30 minutes to 1 hour, and anybody can prepare a topic to talk about.

To avoid the situation nothing is ready there needs to be always at least one person selected to do that. We can also ask for the specific topics we want to know more about and ask the person who has experience.